The Founder's Story

Hemant and Deepika

Only once in your life you will find someone who believes in you, who loves you with the truest sense, the one who can turn your world around. In love, you live for the dreams of your partner, cherish each others successes, and stand by each other in the hour of need.

This beautiful couple believe in each other. They dreamt of creating a space for souls who look for fulfillment, the ones who wish to be themselves and explore their inner selves to attain peace and tranquility.

M.B.A by qualification, is passionate about creating spaces and building life around it. He is deeply immersed in understanding the science of life and wants to unravel the secrets that come along with it.
Passionate traveller, has travelled extensively to the length and breadth of the globe, experienced different cultures and values and always wanted to build a space to house the world inside.

Extremely balanced, orderly, and organized. This beautiful lady can charm you with her friendly smile and wit. Seeker of knowledge, always on look out for exploring and unravelling new mysteries. Perfectionist at heart, she has the knack of creating amazing things out of medioricity.